What Is Monoclonal Antibody Therapy?
Your body naturally makes antibodies to fight infection. However, your body may not have antibodies designed to recognize a novel (or new) virus like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Monoclonal antibodies, or mAbs, are made in a laboratory to fight a particular infection—in this case, SARS-CoV-2—and are given to patients directly with an infusion. That’s why mAb treatment may help patients who are at high risk for serious symptoms or having to stay in the hospital.

Protect Yourself
mAbs can protect people from infection, worsening disease, and potential hospitalization.

Authorized by the FDA
For emergency use for those at risk of getting more serious symptoms or with high-risk COVID factors.

Delivered at Your Home
Our Board certified Medical Nurses will come to your home to provide the service.
We DO NOT accept any insurance for Monoclonal Antibody Therapy. All payments due must be paid via credit card, cash or check immediately after the service render.
Treating Covid-19
Monoclonal Antibody Therapies at Home
Monoclonal antibody therapy can reduce COVID-19 symptoms, hospitalization or emergency room visits when administered as soon as possible after exposure or within 10 days of symptom onset.
Who is Eligible?
Are ≥ 65 years of age
Chronic kidney disease, DM, HTN
Pregnancy or BMI ≥ 25
Sickle cell disease
Chronic lung disease (COPD), asthma, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension
Immunosuppressive disease
Are currently receiving immunosuppressive treatment
Cardiovascular disease
Cerebral palsy other neurodevelopmental disorder
True Heal Wellness only charges a fee for the in-home or in-office administration of Monoclonal Antibodies, but does not charge for the Monoclonal Antibodies themselves as the U.S. government is currently covering the cost for this drug. (An Antibody infusion charges includes:an Infusion services/observation/doctors consultation/office fee)

Protect Yourself

FDA Authorized

Delivered at Home
We DO NOT accept any insurance for Monoclonal Antibody Therapy. All payments due must be paid via credit card, cash or check immediately after the service render.

mAb treatment happens at an infusion center or at your home. Depending on the mAb treatment you receive, the whole process takes about 2 to 3 hours. First, medical staff conduct a screening; then they start an IV, which delivers the mAbs to your body in just over an hour. Afterward, the medical staff will have you stay at the infusion center for another hour to be sure you aren’t having an allergic reaction or other side effects. These reactions are rare, but the staff must observe you for this hour. Then you’ll be released to go home.
It’s important to know that even if you start feeling better, you could still spread the virus for a while. So, you’ll need to isolate yourself (be alone) until all of these things happen:
At least 10 days have passed since your first symptoms of COVID-19
You haven’t had a fever in at least 24 hours, without taking any medicine that reduces fever
Your other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving
IMPORTANT: Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions. Your personal health history may require you to meet additional conditions. Also, if you start to feel worse, don’t hesitate to seek medical care.
Have questions? We have answers!
How much do IV therapy services cost?IV treatments range from $199-$999. Depending on your location, COVID testing may be free.
Do you charge any additional delivery fees?We do not charge any additional fees for delivery. The costs you see listed on the platform are the costs you pay — delivery included.
I have a promo code. Where can I enter it?The final step in checkout is reviewing your order. After adding a payment method, you will see “enter discount code.” Place your discount code here, and you will see your promotion applied to your total.
Do you offer group rates?We can accommodate private parties and offer group rates for IV therapy. Orders larger than five drips can be scheduled by contacting our team at hello@ivee.app. High volume COVID testing is available in PA and NJ. You can register for COVID testing.
Do you accept insurance?We do not accept private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid for IV therapy services, however, in most cases, insurance is accepted for COVID testing.
Do you accept FSA?We do not accept FSA.
Still have questions?

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+1 862-781-0009

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